Creating a draft

Creating a draft on is simple, but a bit different from what you might be used to.

To create a draft, select the “Anonymous” option (called “Draft” in WriteFreely) from the dropdown menu in the editor before publishing. When you're ready to save your draft, simply press the Publish button.

This will create a post at a secret, but shareable, URL. You can choose to share that URL with someone you'd like to have review your draft, or just keep it to yourself to have it remain private. Now, you can continue editing this draft and saving updates with the Publish button. You can find it listed on your “Posts” page (again called “Drafts” in WriteFreely).

When you're ready to publish to your blog, navigate to your Posts / Drafts page, scroll down to your post, and click “move to {your blog}”. (If you have multiple blogs, instead you'll see a dropdown menu that says “move to...”) Once you do that, your post will be live on your blog!

#tutorial #HowTo #drafts #writeas